electronic Data Archive Library

share your data - get visible - keep local control

e!DAL is a free software infrastructure to FAIRly maintain and publish in-house stored research data.

Submission & Reviewing

e!DAL provide a convenient submission tool with an embedded review process and login via ELIXIR AAI to publish research data as DOI citable dataset.

FAIR Compatible

e!DAL support the FAIR principles and requirements from funding agencies and journals. It supports metadata standards, like DublinCore or Schema.org.

Information Retrieval

e!DAL comprises several powerful and index-based search functions, which allow an efficient information retrieval over the metadata.

Comprehensive Reporting

e!DAL provides comprehensive reporting of key performance indicators such access counts, data download volume, client location.

API Support

e!DAL provide a Java compatible API for remote access or a direct tool embedding. The plugin concept enables to customize the backend components.

Data Linkage

e!DAL is designed to support JSON-LD, OAI-PMH and ORCID allowing data harvesting and easy linkage across global services.

Version Tracking

e!DAL track the version history of all stored data objects to make the whole research process transparent and reproducible.

Integrated HTTP(S) Server

e!DAL contain an embedded web server providing comprehensive pages for public data access including content negotiation and compressed downloads.

Storage Orchestration

e!DAL orchestrate pre-existing local file storage and embedded metadata database towards a comprehensive, big data aware storage backend.

de.NBI Service Evaluation

Please take the time to rate the de.NBI service you have used. This is very helpful to improve our work.