Class XmlResource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XmlResource
    extends java.lang.Object
    Root element of a single record. This wrapper element is for XML implementation only and is not defined in the DataCite DOI standard. Note: This is the case for any wrapper element within this schema! No content in this wrapper element.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlResource

        public XmlResource()
    • Method Detail

      • deleteMetadataVersionNumber

        public void deleteMetadataVersionNumber()
      • getAlternateIdentifiers

        public XmlAlternateIdentifiers getAlternateIdentifiers()
        Returns the value of field 'alternateIdentifiers'.
        the value of field 'AlternateIdentifiers'.
      • getContributors

        public XmlContributors getContributors()
        Returns the value of field 'contributors'.
        the value of field 'Contributors'.
      • getCreators

        public XmlCreators getCreators()
        Returns the value of field 'creators'.
        the value of field 'Creators'.
      • getDates

        public XmlDates getDates()
        Returns the value of field 'dates'.
        the value of field 'Dates'.
      • getDescriptions

        public XmlDescriptions getDescriptions()
        Returns the value of field 'descriptions'.
        the value of field 'Descriptions'.
      • getFormats

        public XmlFormats getFormats()
        Returns the value of field 'formats'.
        the value of field 'Formats'.
      • getIdentifier

        public XmlIdentifier getIdentifier()
        Returns the value of field 'identifier'. The field 'identifier' has the following description: A persistent identifier that identifies a resource.
        the value of field 'Identifier'.
      • getLanguage

        public java.lang.String getLanguage()
        Returns the value of field 'language'. The field 'language' has the following description: Primary language of the resource. Allowed values from: ISO 639-2/B, ISO 639-3
        the value of field 'Language'.
      • getPublicationYear

        public java.lang.String getPublicationYear()
        Returns the value of field 'publicationYear'. The field 'publicationYear' has the following description: Year when the data is made publicly available. If an embargo period has been in effect, use the date when the embargo period ends.
        the value of field 'PublicationYear'.
      • getPublisher

        public java.lang.String getPublisher()
        Returns the value of field 'publisher'. The field 'publisher' has the following description: A holder of the data (including archives as appropriate) or institution which submitted the work. Any others may be listed as contributors. This property will be used to formulate the citation, so consider the prominence of the role.
        the value of field 'Publisher'.
      • getRelatedIdentifiers

        public XmlRelatedIdentifiers getRelatedIdentifiers()
        Returns the value of field 'relatedIdentifiers'.
        the value of field 'RelatedIdentifiers'.
      • getResourceType

        public XmlResourceType getResourceType()
        Returns the value of field 'resourceType'. The field 'resourceType' has the following description: The type of a resource. You may enter an additional free text description.
        the value of field 'ResourceType'.
      • getRightsList

        public XmlRightsList getRightsList()
        Returns the value of field 'rights'. The field 'rights' has the following description: Any rights information for this resource. Provide a rights management statement for the resource or reference a service providing such information. Include embargo information if applicable.
        the value of field 'Rights'.
      • getSizes

        public XmlSizes getSizes()
        Returns the value of field 'sizes'.
        the value of field 'Sizes'.
      • getSubjects

        public XmlSubjects getSubjects()
        Returns the value of field 'subjects'.
        the value of field 'Subjects'.
      • getTitles

        public XmlTitles getTitles()
        Returns the value of field 'titles'.
        the value of field 'Titles'.
      • getVersion

        public java.lang.String getVersion()
        Returns the value of field 'version'. The field 'version' has the following description: Version number of the resource. If the primary resource has changed the version number increases.
        the value of field 'Version'.
      • hasMetadataVersionNumber

        public boolean hasMetadataVersionNumber()
        Method hasMetadataVersionNumber.
        true if at least one MetadataVersionNumber has been added
      • setAlternateIdentifiers

        public void setAlternateIdentifiers​(XmlAlternateIdentifiers alternateIdentifiers)
        Sets the value of field 'alternateIdentifiers'.
        alternateIdentifiers - the value of field 'alternateIdentifiers'.
      • setContributors

        public void setContributors​(XmlContributors contributors)
        Sets the value of field 'contributors'.
        contributors - the value of field 'contributors'.
      • setCreators

        public void setCreators​(XmlCreators creators)
        Sets the value of field 'creators'.
        creators - the value of field 'creators'.
      • setDates

        public void setDates​(XmlDates dates)
        Sets the value of field 'dates'.
        dates - the value of field 'dates'.
      • setDescriptions

        public void setDescriptions​(XmlDescriptions descriptions)
        Sets the value of field 'descriptions'.
        descriptions - the value of field 'descriptions'.
      • setFormats

        public void setFormats​(XmlFormats formats)
        Sets the value of field 'formats'.
        formats - the value of field 'formats'.
      • setIdentifier

        public void setIdentifier​(XmlIdentifier identifier)
        Sets the value of field 'identifier'. The field 'identifier' has the following description: A persistent identifier that identifies a resource.
        identifier - the value of field 'identifier'.
      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage​(java.lang.String language)
        Sets the value of field 'language'. The field 'language' has the following description: Primary language of the resource. Allowed values from: ISO 639-2/B, ISO 639-3
        language - the value of field 'language'.
      • setPublicationYear

        public void setPublicationYear​(java.lang.String publicationYear)
        Sets the value of field 'publicationYear'. The field 'publicationYear' has the following description: Year when the data is made publicly available. If an embargo period has been in effect, use the date when the embargo period ends.
        publicationYear - the value of field 'publicationYear'.
      • setPublisher

        public void setPublisher​(java.lang.String publisher)
        Sets the value of field 'publisher'. The field 'publisher' has the following description: A holder of the data (including archives as appropriate) or institution which submitted the work. Any others may be listed as contributors. This property will be used to formulate the citation, so consider the prominence of the role.
        publisher - the value of field 'publisher'.
      • setRelatedIdentifiers

        public void setRelatedIdentifiers​(XmlRelatedIdentifiers relatedIdentifiers)
        Sets the value of field 'relatedIdentifiers'.
        relatedIdentifiers - the value of field 'relatedIdentifiers'.
      • setResourceType

        public void setResourceType​(XmlResourceType resourceType)
        Sets the value of field 'resourceType'. The field 'resourceType' has the following description: The type of a resource. You may enter an additional free text description.
        resourceType - the value of field 'resourceType'.
      • setRightsList

        public void setRightsList​(XmlRightsList rightsList)
        Sets the value of field 'rights'. The field 'rights' has the following description: Any rights information for this resource. Provide a rights management statement for the resource or reference a service providing such information. Include embargo information if applicable.
        rightsList - the value of field 'rightsList'.
      • setSizes

        public void setSizes​(XmlSizes sizes)
        Sets the value of field 'sizes'.
        sizes - the value of field 'sizes'.
      • setSubjects

        public void setSubjects​(XmlSubjects subjects)
        Sets the value of field 'subjects'.
        subjects - the value of field 'subjects'.
      • setTitles

        public void setTitles​(XmlTitles titles)
        Sets the value of field 'titles'.
        titles - the value of field 'titles'.
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(java.lang.String version)
        Sets the value of field 'version'. The field 'version' has the following description: Version number of the resource. If the primary resource has changed the version number increases.
        version - the value of field 'version'.
      • getGeoLocations

        public XmlGeoLocations getGeoLocations()
        the geoLocations
      • setGeoLocations

        public void setGeoLocations​(XmlGeoLocations geoLocations)
        geoLocations - the geoLocations to set