AbstractMetaDataEditor |
This is a abstract class.
AgreementPanel |
ALLPrincipal |
Class to represent all internal stored principals.
ApprovalServiceProvider |
Provide the implementation for the ApprovalService to get a persistent
ApprovalServiceProviderImplementation |
AsynchronList<E> |
AttributeLabel |
Class to define the layout of the AttributeLabel s on the left side of
the frame.
AttributeLabelAttributePanel |
AttributeLableAttributeTextAreaPanel |
AttributeSplitPane |
AttributeTextArea |
Authentication |
Container to hold all necessary authentication token, i.e. login and password
AuthenticationProcess |
AuthorCellRenderer |
AuthorsPanel |
Class to build the panel for defining the authors, their addresses and ORCIDs
of a dataset
AuthorTableModelListener |
TableModelListener to recognize if the first name and the last name
of an author was entered and try to find out his ORCID
CalculateDirectorySizeJob |
CalculateDirectorySizeThread |
CheckReviewStatusJob |
Class to define the Job to check the review status of all existing
requests for a PublicReference .
CheckReviewStatusThread |
CheckSum |
ChecksumDialog |
The ChecksumDialog can be used to edit CheckSum ,
which implements the MetadataeditDialog class, we can use it
with a couple of lines of code:
ChecksumEditor |
The ChecksumEditor wrappers class ChecksumDialog as
a MetadataEditor Dialog to edit Checksum datatype. we can use it
with a couple of lines of code:
CheckSumType |
Data type to define a Checksum for a file.
CheckSumviewDialog |
The CheckSumviewDialog can be used to view CheckSum
Object, which implements the MetadataviewDialog class, we can
use it with a couple of lines of code:
CheckSumViewer |
The CheckSumViewer wrappers class CheckSumviewDialog as
a MetadataViewer Dialog to view CheckSum datatype.
CleanBrokenEntitiesJob |
Class to define the Job to remove all broken
PrimaryDataEntity which where created during a failed upload.
CleanBrokenEntitiesThread |
ClientContext |
Class to provide current client context to server.
ClientDataManager |
Class that provides the connection to an eDAL RMI server.
ClientPrimaryDataDirectory |
SampleClient version of PrimaryDataDirectory to use eDAL system like
the stand-alone implementation.
ClientPrimaryDataEntity |
SampleClient version of PrimaryDataEntity to use eDAL system like the
stand-alone implementation.
ClientPrimaryDataEntityVersion |
ClientPrimaryDataFile |
SampleClient version of PrimaryDataFile to use eDAL system like the
stand-alone implementation.
Const |
ContentNegotiationType |
ContentNegotiator |
ContributorType |
The type of contributor of the resource.
CookieUtil |
Deprecated. |
CustomApplication |
CustomCookieStore |
DataCiteException |
Exception class to describe problems with the DataCite client.
DataCiteMappingException |
Exception for failures of mapping eDAL-MetaData to DataCite-XML
DataCiteMDSConnector |
DataCiteReference |
DataCite implementation of the Referenceable interface, to connect
the system with the DataCite interface.
DataCiteRestConnector |
Connector to the REST-API to search for DOIs.
DataCiteXmlMapper |
Class to map an eDAL MetaData object to a valid DataCite XML
DataFormat |
Data type to manage MIME types.
DataFormatEditor |
DataFormatEditor provides a mechanism for the user to edit
DataFormat information.
DataFormatException |
Exception for unsupported data formats
DataFormatViewer |
DataFormatViewer provides a mechanism for the user to
view DataFormat information.
DataManager |
Central entry point for the clients to make use of the API provided storage
DataManagerRmiInterface |
DataManagerWrapper |
Wrapper class to wrap DataManager functions on server side.
DataSize |
Store the size of an object.
DataSize.StorageUnit |
DataType |
Management of DCMI data types.
DateEvents |
Collection of EdalDate objects to define the dates and ranges of
different events,e.g. date of creation...
DateEventsDialog |
The DateEventsDialog can be used to edit DateEvents
, which implements the MetadataeditDialog class, we can use it
with a couple of lines of code:
DateEventsEditor |
The DateEventsEditor is a wrapper class for DateEventsDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
DateEventsViewer |
The DateEventsViewer is a wrapper class for DateEventsviewerDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
DateEventsViewerDialog |
The DateEventsviewerDialog can be used to view
DateEvents , which implements the MetadataviewDialog
class, we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
DateTimePicker |
DatetimePicker provides a swing panel for the user to choose
DateType |
The type of date.
DescriptionType |
The type of the description.
DirectoryMetaData |
Provides a directory meta data type
DoiImplementation |
EdalAbstractFileFilter |
EDALFileFilter is an abstract class used by
EDALFileChooser for filtering the set of files shown to the user.
EdalAbstractRequestLog |
EdalApprovalException |
Exception is thrown on failures of the ApprovalService.
EdalAuthenticateException |
Exception is thrown on authentication failures.
EdalAuthorizationException |
Exception is thrown on authorization failures.
EdalCompositePolicy |
JAAS policy for merge existing set Policy and EdalPolicy
EdalConfigDialog |
EdalConfiguration |
class to collect all parameters to start the eDAL system.
EdalConfigurationException |
EdalDate |
Data type to describe a time point.
EdalDateChooser |
EdalDateFormat |
A class used to format Datetime.
EdalDatePanel |
EdalDatePrecision |
Enum of all possible precisions of EdalDate .
EdalDateRange |
Data type to describe a time range.
EdalDateTimePicker |
DatetimePicker provides a swing panel for the user to choose
Datetime and set it's Precision.
EdalException |
Exception is thrown on general eDAL failures.
EdalFileChooser |
EDALFileChooser provides a simple mechanism for the user to
choose a file from EDAL File System.
EdalFileHelper |
A class used to get ClientPrimaryDataEntity object with path and rootDirectory.
EdalFileNameExtensionFilter |
An implementation of EDALFileFilter that filters using a specified
set of extensions.
EdalHelpers |
Provide some helpful function for the first experience with eDAL.
EdalHttpFunctions |
EdalHttpHandler |
EdalHttpServer |
EdalLanguage |
EdalLanguageDialog |
The EdalLanguageDialog can be used to edit
EdalLanguage , which implements the
MetadataeditDialog class, we can use it with a couple of lines
of code:
EdalLanguageEditor |
The EdalLanguageEditor is a wrapper class for EdalLanguageDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
EdalLoginConfiguration |
EdalMutableTreeModel |
Defines the requirements for an object that can be used as a
tree node in a JTree.
EdalNode |
Defines the requirements for an object that can be used as a
tree node data holder in a JTree.
EdalPermission |
EdalPermissionImplementation |
EdalPolicy |
Define our own Policy for the eDAL system, that use a
PermissionProvider to store and provide Permission s.
EdalPublicationMetaDataException |
EdalRequestLog |
EdalRestServer |
EdalRmiSocketFactory |
eDAL specific RMISocketFactory to define a constant data port.
EdalSecuredHttpHandler |
EdalServer |
Implementation of a RMI server for the eDAL system.
EdalSslRmiClientSocketFactory |
eDAL implementation for the SslRMIClientSocketFactory using a
constant port.
EdalSslRmiServerSocketFactory |
eDAL implementation for the SslRMIServerSocketFactory using a
constant port.
EdalTable |
EdalTableModel |
The EDALTableModel can be set up to display any data
model which implements the
TableModel interface with a couple of lines of code:
EdalThread |
General class for creating an EdalThread named with the simple class
name of the subclass.
EdalThreadFactory |
EdalThreadPoolExcecutor |
EdalTitleBorder |
EdalTitleDialog |
EdalTitlePanel |
EdalTreeCellRenderer |
EditorContainer |
EditorContainer provides a Container for all the MetadataEditor ,
this class is used in EDALFileChooser .
ElixirCallBackHandler |
ElixirLoginModule |
ElixirPrincipal |
ElixirPublicationModule |
ElixirSwingBrowserDialog |
ElixirSwingBrowserDialogWithCookies |
EmbargoPanel |
EmptyMetaData |
Provides an empty meta data type.
EnumCCLicense |
EnumDCMIDataType |
Definition of a list of approved terms that may be used to identify the genre
of a resource.
EnumDublinCoreElements |
ErrorDialog |
FileProgressInputStream |
FileProgressMonitor |
FileStoreSwingWorker |
FileSystemImplementationProvider |
FzjAuthenticationProcess |
FZJPublicationModule |
GenerateLocations |
Class for generating GPS locations from IP by using Geo2IP API
GoogleAuthenticationProcess |
GoogleCallBackHandler |
GoogleLoginModule |
GooglePrincipal |
GrantableMethods |
Class that provide all API methods as Enum constant to use them for
EdalPermission .
GrantableMethods.EdalClasses |
Constant Enum list of all action classes.
GrantableMethods.Methods |
Constant Enum list of all grantable API methods.
HMGUPublicationModule |
HttpServiceProvider |
HttpServiceProviderImplementation |
HyperLinkToolTip |
Identifier |
Unique identifier, which is ensures to be global uniqueness defined at ISO/IEC
IdentifierEditor |
The IdentifierEditor wrappers class TextDialog as a
MetadataEditor Dialog to edit Identifier datatype.
IdentifierRelation |
Collection of untyped relations to other MetaData objects.
IdentifierRelationDialog |
The IdentifierRelationDialog can be used to edit
Identifier relations, which implements the
MetadataeditDialog class, we can use it with a couple of lines
of code:
IdentifierRelationEditor |
The IdentifierRelationEditor wrappers class IdentifierRelationDialog as
a MetadataEditor Dialog to edit IdentifierRelation datatype.
IdentifierRelationViewDialog |
The IdentifierRelationviewDialog can be used to view
Identifier relations, which implements the
MetadataviewDialog class, we can use it with a couple of lines
of code:
IdentifierRelationViewer |
The IdentifierRelationViewer wrappers class
IdentifierRelationviewDialog as a MetadataViewer
Dialog to edit IdentifierRelation datatype. we can use it with a couple of
lines of code:
IdentifierViewer |
The IdentifierViewer wrappers class TextviewDialog as
a MetadataViewer Dialog to edit Identifier datatype.
ImageUtil |
A class used to get ImageIcon object from classpath. fixed by @author arendd
ImplementationProvider |
Interface that provide all necessary classes of a eDAL implementations.
ImprovedH2Dialect |
IndexWriterThread |
IndexWriterThread class to realize manual indexing strategy
InfiniteProgressPanel |
IpkAuthenticationProcess |
IPKPublicationModule |
JKIAuthenticationProcess |
JKIPublicationModule |
JLinkLabel |
JVersionLabel |
LailapsJXTaskPane |
LanguagePanel |
LanguageViewer |
The LanguageViewer is a wrapper class for TextviewDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
LegalPerson |
LegalPersonDialog |
The LegalPersonDialog can be used to edit
LegalPerson , which implements the
MetadataeditDialog class, we can use it with a couple of lines
of code:
LegalPersonInfoEditor |
The LegalPersonInfoEditor is a wrapper class for LegalPersonDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
LegalPersonInfoViewer |
The LegalPersonInfoViewer is a wrapper class for LegalPersonviewDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
LegalPersonviewDialog |
The LegalPersonviewDialog can be used to view LegalPerson ,
which implements the MetadataviewDialog class, we can use it
with a couple of lines of code:
LicenseCheckBoxPanel |
ListThread |
LoginCallbackHandler |
Password callback handler for resolving password/usernames for a JAAS login.
LoginDialog |
MergingEntityOutputThread |
MergingMessageOutputThread |
MergingReportOutputThread |
MetaData |
Basic meta data comprising at least dublin core administrative meta data.
MetaDataCollector |
MetadataDialog |
This is a abstract class.
MetaDataEditDialog |
This abstract class provides default implementations for the MetadataDialog class.
MetaDataException |
Indicates an error with a MetaData object.
MetaDataImplementation |
MetaDataSaveDialog |
MetasaveDialog provides a simple mechanism for the user to get
the Metadata of EDAL File or Directory.
MetadataViewDialog |
This abstract class provides default implementations for the MetadataDialog class.
MetadataViewer |
This is a abstract class.
MetaDescription |
MyCheckSum |
Internal representation of CheckSum for persistence with
MyCheckSumType |
Internal representation of CheckSumType for persistence with
MyDataFormat |
Internal representation of DataFormat for persistence with
MyDataSize |
Internal representation of DataSize for persistence with
MyDataType |
Internal representation of DataType for persistence with
MyDateEvents |
MyDirectoryMetaData |
MyEdalDate |
MyEdalDateRange |
MyEdalLanguage |
Internal representation of EdalLanguage for persistence with
MyEmptyMetaData |
Internal representation of
for persistence with HIBERNATE.
MyIdentifier |
Internal representation of Identifier for persistence with
MyIdentifierRelation |
MyLegalPerson |
Internal representation of LegalPerson for persistence with
MyNaturalPerson |
Internal representation of NaturalPerson for persistence with
MyPerson |
Internal representation of Person for persistence with
MyPersons |
MySubjects |
MyUnknownMetaData |
MyUntypedData |
Internal representation of UntypedData for persistence with
NaturalPerson |
Represent a natural person.
NonFreeTextPanelMouseAdapter |
NonFreeTextPanelMouseAdapter.PanelType |
ORCIDCallBackHandler |
ORCIDConnector |
Class to connect with the ORCID RESTfull-API to send requests and get
information from ORCID registry
ORCIDException |
Exception is thrown an error associated with the ORCID API
ORCIDLoginModule |
ORCIDPrincipal |
OrcidSearchForIdDialog |
Dialog to show the result of the ORICD search for a given author name
OrcidSearchForNameDialog |
Dialog to show the result of the ORICD search for a given author name
PermissionDialog |
PermissionDialog provides a mechanism for the user to manage the
permissions of EDAL File System.
PermissionNewuserDialog |
PermissionNewuserDialog provides a mechanism for the user to add
new users and manage there permissions of EDAL File System.
PermissionProvider |
Interface that provide all necessary functions for the security system of the
PermissionProviderImplementation |
PermissionUtil |
PersistentIdentifier |
Enum to provide the implementation classes for the
Referenceable interface of the different identifier systems.
Person |
Represent a person.
PersonInfoEditor |
The PersonInfoEditor is a wrapper class for PersonDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
PersonInfoViewer |
The PersonInfoViewer is a wrapper class for
PersonviewDialog , we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
Persons |
PersonsDialog |
The PersonDialog can be used to edit Person , which
implements the MetadataeditDialog class, we can use it with a
couple of lines of code:
PersonsViewDialog |
The PersonviewDialog can be used to view Person ,
which implements the MetadataviewDialog class, we can use it
with a couple of lines of code:
PersonTableCellEditor |
PersonTableModel |
PipedReadEdalFileThread |
Thread to read the InputStream of a
PrimaryDataFile to
the OutputStream of the HTTP response with the help of a piped
PipedReadEmbeddedFileThread |
Thread to read the InputStream of a an embedded file to the
OutputStream of the HTTP response with the help of a piped stream.
PipedWriteThread |
Thread to write the OutputStream of a
PrimaryDataFile to
the OutputStream of the HTTP response with the help of a piped
PrimaryDataDirectory |
Abstract PrimaryDataDirectory class.
PrimaryDataDirectoryException |
PrimaryDataDirectoryImplementation |
PrimaryDataDirectoryRmiInterface |
PrimaryDataDirectoryWrapper |
PrimaryDataEntity |
Abstract PrimaryDataEntity class.
PrimaryDataEntityException |
PrimaryDataEntityRmiInterface |
PrimaryDataEntityVersion |
PrimaryDataEntityVersionException |
PrimaryDataEntityVersionImplementation |
PrimaryDataEntityVersionRmiInterface |
PrimaryDataEntityVersionWrapper |
PrimaryDataEntityWrapper |
PrimaryDataFile |
Abstract PrimaryDataFile class.
PrimaryDataFileException |
PrimaryDataFileImplementation |
PrimaryDataFileRmiInterface |
PrimaryDataFileWrapper |
PrincipalImplementation |
Class to persist user principals with HIBERNATE.
PrincipalUtil |
A utility class used to manage Principal
ProgressBarDialog |
ProgressSwingWorker |
PropertyLoader |
Central class to load and define graphical properties and parameters for the
data submission and publication tool
PublicationAgreementPanelSwingView |
Class to build the agreement panel on top of the application
PublicationAgreementPanelWebView |
Deprecated. |
PublicationButtonLinePanel |
PublicationCitationHeadPanel |
Class to show a HTML page in a panel.
PublicationDirectoryVisitorWithMetaDataRmi |
Implementation of FileVisitor to walk a file system tree and store
the object into eDAL.
PublicationFrame |
PublicationHeadPanel |
Class to head panel of the publication tool.
PublicationHtmlTextPanel |
Class to show a html page in a panel.
PublicationMainPanel |
PublicationMainPanel.BlockedFieldMouseAdapter |
PublicationModulMain |
PublicationModulTest |
PublicationStatus |
Enum to represent the current status of the approval process for a
PublicationVeloCityCreater |
Class to create html pages for the frame header with the help of
PublicReference |
Provide a public, long term stable ID for data referencing.
PublicReferenceException |
PublicReferenceImplementation |
PublisherPanel |
PushableTableHeader |
ReadonlyTableCellEditor |
RebuildIndexJob |
Class to define the Job to rebuild the Lucene index after running a
clean up.
RebuildIndexThread |
Thread to to rebuild the Lucene index after running a clean up.
Referenceable |
Interface to define the functions of an identifier system.
ReferenceableException |
Exception is thrown on failures of the Referenable interface.
RelatedIdentifierType |
The type of the RelatedIdentifier.
RelationType |
Description of the relationship of the resource being registered (A) and the
related resource (B).
ResourcePanel |
ResourceTypeGeneral |
The general type of a resource.
RestClient |
RestClient2 |
RestEntryPoint |
RestPrimaryDataEntity |
RestPrimaryDataEntityResource |
ReviewersImplementation |
Class to persist a reviewer user with HIBERNATE.
ReviewProcess |
Class to handle interaction between eDAL and the ReviewProcess.
ReviewResult |
ReviewStatus |
ReviewStatus.ReviewerType |
ReviewStatus.ReviewStatusType |
Enum to describe the review status.
ReviewStatusEvaluation |
abstract class to evaluate review statuses and compute a review result it use
a truth table that is specific for use case and must be parameterized in
ReviewStatusImplementation |
Class to persist the review status with HIBERNATE.
RootImplementation |
Class to persist root user with HIBERNATE.
SamplePrincipal |
This class implements the Principal interface to represents a
Sample Principal.
SampleUserLoginModule |
simple SampleLoginModule authenticates constant user test
SecuredResource |
SecurityFilter |
ServerErrorDialog |
Create a Dialog if there is an problem with the connection to the eDAL server
and ask the user if the system should retry or quit the connection try.
ServiceProvider |
ServiceProviderImplementation |
ShutdownWindowsListener |
WindowAdapter to ask for the user confirmation before closing a
SimpleSwingBrowserFrame |
SmallButton |
StackTraceUtil |
Simple utilities to return the stack trace of an exception as a String.
StreamInputToOutputThread |
StreamOutputToInputThread |
SubjectPanel |
Subjects |
SubjectsDialog |
The SubjectsDialog can be used to edit Subjects ,
which implements the MetadataeditDialog class, we can use it
with a couple of lines of code:
SubjectsEditor |
The SubjectsEditor wrappers class SubjectsDialog as
a MetadataEditor Dialog to edit Subjects datatype.
SubjectsViewDialog |
The SubjectviewDialog can be used to view Subjects ,
which implements the MetadataviewDialog class, we can use it
with a couple of lines of code:
SubjectViewer |
The SubjectViewer wrappers class SubjectviewDialog
as a MetadataViewer Dialog to edit Subjects datatype. we can use
it with a couple of lines of code:
SupportedPrincipals |
Class to persist all supported user principals with HIBERNATE.
SwingBrowserDialog |
TextAreaCheckFocusListener |
TextAreaValueChangedFocusListener |
Listener to automatically remove the default values in text fields and
furthermore to trim
TextDialog |
The TextDialog can be used to edit text information, which
implements the MetadataeditDialog class, we can use it with a
couple of lines of code:
TextEditor |
The TextEditor is a wrapper class for TextDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
TextViewDialog |
The TextviewDialog can be used to edit text information, which
implements the MetadataviewDialog class, we can use it with a
couple of lines of code:
TextViewer |
The TextViewer is a wrapper class for TextviewDialog ,
we can use it with a couple of lines of code:
ThreeDes |
TicketImplementation |
Class to persist tickets for the ApprovalService with HIBERNATE.
TitleType |
Enumeration TitleType.
TreeWillExpandListenerAction |
A class which implements TreeWillExpandListener interface, The listener
that's notified when a tree expands or collapses a node.
UiUtil |
A utility class used to manage UI element
UnknownMetaData |
Provides an unknown meta data type
UntypedData |
Basic type to store meta data values.
UrlImplementation |
URLReference |
URNReference |
UserCallBackHandler |
The application implements the CallbackHandler.
UserLoginModule |
This sample LoginModule authenticates users with a password.
Utils |
Utility class for some static functions for handling and converting
String s and so on.
ViewerContainer |
ViewerContainer provides a Container for all the MetadataViewer ,
this class is used in EDALFileChooser .
WebPageCache |
A class for caching webpages.
XmlAlternateIdentifier |
An identifier other than the primary identifier applied to the resource being
XmlAlternateIdentifiers |
XML mapping class for the 'alternativeIdentifiers' element.
XmlContributor |
The institution or person responsible for collecting, creating, or otherwise
contributing to the development of the dataset.
XmlContributors |
XML mapping class for the 'contributors' element.
XmlCreator |
The main researchers involved working on the data, or the authors of the
publication in priority order.
XmlCreators |
XML Mapping class for the 'creators' element.
XmlDate |
Different dates relevant to the work.
XmlDates |
XML mapping class for the 'dates' element.
XmlDescription |
Class Description.
XmlDescriptions |
XML mapping class for the 'descriptions' element.
XmlFormats |
XML Mapping class for the 'formats' element.
XmlFunctions |
Usefull function to handle XML files.
XmlGeoLocation |
XmlGeoLocations |
XmlIdentifier |
A persistent identifier that identifies a resource.
XmlNameIdentifier |
Class NameIdentifier.
XmlRelatedIdentifier |
Identifiers of related resources.
XmlRelatedIdentifiers |
Class RelatedIdentifiers.
XmlResource |
Root element of a single record.
XmlResourceType |
The type of a resource.
XmlRights |
XmlRightsList |
XmlSizes |
XML mapping class for the 'sizes' element.
XmlSubject |
Subject, keywords, classification codes, or key phrases describing the
XmlSubjects |
XML mapping class for the 'subjects' element.
XmlTitle |
A name or title by which a resource is known.
XmlTitles |
XML mapping class for the 'titles' element.
XStatusBar |
XStatusLabel |
XStatusMessageLabel |
XStatusSeparator |
XStatusTimeLabel |
ZipThread |